Join the JPE Team

Editorial assistants or interns will have the following qualifications and will be responsible for the following:

Note: Beginning June 2024, any work in creating CFPs and typesetting journal articles completed by an editorial assistant is published on the assistant's JPE affiliated webpage, which is link backed to the JPE in order to give assistants due recognition of the work that they complete for the JPE. To directly review the body of work that an editorial assistant was responsible for, please view their profile page linked on the JPE team page.

Editors will have the following qualifications and will be responsible for the following:

Note: Assistants and interns are differentiated based on the number of hours they dedicate to the JPE and the quality of their work. 

Junior editorial board members will have the following qualifications and will be responsible for the following:

The JPE in return agrees to the following regarding junior editorial board members’ conditions and terms of service:

Editorial board members will have the following qualifications and will be responsible for the following:

The JPE in return agrees to the following regarding editorial board members’ conditions and terms of service:

Editorial advisory board members will have the following qualifications and will be responsible for the following:

The JPE in return agrees to the following regarding editorial advisory members’ condition and terms of service:

If you do not meet all of the above qualifications but would still like to volunteer with the JPE in order to gain experience for a possible future in academic publishing or scholarly writing, please contact Cecilea Mun.

If you are interested in being filling anyone of the above positions with the JPE, please contact Cecilea Mun, the editor-in-chief, at submissions[dot]jpe[at]