Manuscript Submission Instructions

To submit a manuscript to the JPE please follow the steps outlined below:

Submission Guidelines

The Journal’s Aims & Scope: Although the JPE takes an interdisciplinary approach by publishing manuscripts written from any disciplinary perspective, because the JPE’s focus is to publish articles that engage the interests, concerns, problems, or questions in the area of philosophy of emotion, manuscripts should explicitly address such concerns, problems, etc., and the relevant literature within the philosophy of emotion and have a clear argumentative structure. We also ask authors to make the import of their paper's main conclusion to the current discourse on the relevant topic in question as clear as possible, and to explicitly situate their contribution in the relevant larger discourse to help readers and researchers locate the significance of the author's contribution to the larger discourse. Furthermore, we ask authors to make sure to provide a clear exposition of any theory that the author will be addressing.

Interdisciplinary Considerations: Because of the JPE’s interdisciplinary approach, we ask authors to take an inclusive approach in their writing that attempts to teach those who are not familiar with the literature and discourse in the area of philosophy of emotion while also engaging those who are experts in the area and field of emotion with some interesting things to consider. So, we ask authors to use technical terms when possible, as they would in their more area specific writings, although we ask them to provide a clear definition (to a reasonable extent) to help those who are unfamiliar with these technical terms become familiar with them. We also ask authors to provide citation information to significant, relevant works that may help other researchers. Finally, we ask authors to give other authors the respect of recognizing their contributions by appropriately citing those authors who have helped them by doing any of the foregoing.

Commitment to Full Transparency and Replication of Empirical Research: The JPE is committed to the full transparency of all published empirical research and encourages replications to further validate or invalidate the claims published in the JPE. We, therefore, ask authors to make sure their empirical research is associated with an Open Science Framework pre-registration.

In Summary of the Above, Authors Should Provide the Following:

Further Details for Graduate Students Naming Co-authors: We require that you name a full-time, tenure-track faculty member (they do not have to be a full professor), perhaps a member of your Ph.D. committee, from whom you might be receiving letters of recommendation. All you would need to do is cc them in all your correspondences with us, and we would do the same, and they would only need to intervene when necessary (as per your or our request). At minimum, the named "co-author" would be willing to offer their advice regarding any problems that may arise between graduate student authors and any representative of the JPE. This is to protect graduate students, as well as JPE representatives. The JPE has very strict standards of quality and we require all authors, regardless of their rank, to meet these standards, and we want to ensure that graduate students have someone they can speak with to help them (if necessary) make any decisions that they may need to make. Although the JPE team members try to do what is best for all its stakeholders (authors, peer referees, editors, etc.), we understand that graduate students may need advice from someone who is not a JPE representative.  For example, if a graduate student is asked to revise their manuscript before the manuscript is sent to peer review (which occurs often given the JPE's standard procedure to maintain a high standard of quality), and they are not willing to do so, the graduate student or JPE editor may ask the "co-author" to offer their opinion on how the graduate student should proceed before a final decision on how to proceed with the manuscript has been reached. 

Anonymized Manuscript and File Name: Please makes sure that your manuscript is fully anonymized, including the document file name. Authors should remove any content that would in any way indicate the author's identity to a reader. Authors may cite their own work, but should do so in third-person form in order to ensure that the surrounding text does not reveal that the work cited is the author's work. Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, authors may choose to revise the third-person form of citing their own work during the pre-production process. 

Manuscript Submission Fee: The JPE charges authors $35 (USD) per manuscript submission, including submissions of substantially revised manuscripts (otherwise known as a "revise and resubmit"), in order to defray costs and to become self-sustainable. Please go to the Manuscript Submission Form page to submit your manuscript and pay any manuscript submission fees. The JPE is a community project that is sustained entirely by the volunteer work and support of the scholarly community, including its affiliated Society for Philosophy of Emotion. It is a journal for the scholarly community, by the scholarly community. Please see the JPE's publication costs for more information. Manuscripts that are accepted for publication on the condition that minor revisions are made will not be charged an additional submission fee. Please also note that, although the JPE would rather not have to charge authors for resubmitting their substantially revised manuscripts, we must do so in order to protect the JPE from being taken advantage of by predatory authors who submit their manuscripts to the JPE only to receive peer review feedback and take their manuscripts elsewhere. We, therefore, advise authors to ensure that the quality of their manuscripts are at a sufficiently high level to meet the JPE's standard of quality at the time of its first submission in order to reduce their manuscript submission fee costs. The best way to do so is to read through the JPE's issues to get a sense of its standard of quality and making any necessary revisions before submitting a manuscript.

Please make sure to pay your manuscript submission fee using the link provided below. When doing so, please make sure that at least one of the authors' names appear as the payee in order for the JPE to ensure that the submission fee is appropriately associated with the correct manuscript. The JPE understands that this manuscript fee is restrictive for some authors, and we apologize. We hope that we will not have to rely on such fees for very long in order to sustain the JPE. Please read our mission statement. So, we ask that you bare with us, until we become self-sustainable through reader donations.

Manuscript Submission Fee Waiver for SPE Members: Active members of the Society for Philosophy of Emotion (SPE) will receive a manuscript (e.g., article, symposium contribution, book review) submission fee waiver of $35 from the JPE if their paper is accepted for publication with the JPE. Please provide your SPE membership ID number, in the comments to the editors, at the time of your manuscript submission. 

Style Guidelines: The JPE uses the Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition as its primary manual of style for usage, grammar, and citations. It specifically employs the Author-Date Reference citation style with endnotes (not footnotes). Please see the JPE Style Guidelines for details, and use the JPE Google Doc Template for everyone's convenience.

Writing Advice: Please see the following writing advice to get a better idea of the standard of quality that the JPE expects all manuscripts to meet prior to being considered for peer-review. These are just some of the minimum standards that we expect all submitted manuscripts to meet. 

Copy Editing: Please note that because the JPE is run by a staff of volunteers and is an open-access journal that only charges author's a total fee of $35.00 to defray costs, we do not have the resources to provide authors with copy editing services. So, although every publication goes through a copy edit check by the  editor-in-chief, we ask authors to ensure that their papers are copy edited before submitting them to the JPE and, as with any other journal, authors are ultimately responsible for the contents of their publications. Authors are also responsible for providing any requested citation information and corresponding references, and failure to do so may result in the rejection of any submission. Furthermore, out of respect toward our editorial board, non-editorial board referees, and JPE staff, manuscripts that require a significant amount of copy editing will not be sent to peer review regardless of their content. In other words, unlike some other journals, authors are required to format their manuscript for publication in the JPE at the time of submission. This requirement is motivated not only by our respect for our peer referees, but it also allows them to provide us with the best quality referee report that they can, and as such, it is necessary for sustaining the JPE and its mission. For authors who are unsure about the JPE house style, please see the style guidelines provided above, and review some of the papers published in the JPE prior to submitting a manuscript. If you are in need of copy editing services, please refer to our list of affiliated copy editors.

Copyright Notice: The JPE is a biannual online, open access scholarly journal that publishes full-length articles, book symposiums, book reviews, and special issues under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, in which authors will retain the copyright to their work (i.e., their initial manuscript and any revisions submitted to the JPE), and manage their own permissions for other uses. The rights to any material produced by the JPE, including any pre-publication proofs, are held by the JPE as the licensor under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. The JPE gives authors the right to use and distribute their published articles in accordance with this license, however, we advise authors and readers to please consult the terms of this license before using any of the material that is published on the JPE site. 

Privacy Statement: The names and email addresses entered in this site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and its associated society, and it will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Journal Archiving: The JPE is published using Google Workspace applications, including a dedicated Google Drive, as its primary publishing platform. As such, all publications will remain available even in the event that the JPE discontinues any future publications.

Please note that the above author submission process is informed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, 2011.